Lily McLeishdirector + curator


A Series of Asides
Finborough Theatre, 2021

Written by Athena Stevens
Director | Lily McLeish
Design | Anna Reid
Sound and Music | Julian Starr
Lighting | Anthony Doran
Cast | Evelyn Lockley and Athena Stevens
Produced by Aegis Productions and the Finborough Theatre

“Everything about Late Night Staring at High Res Pixels is sleek and stylish...Conceived for the stage but repurposed for online viewing, it resembles a Net#ix series that knows just how to lure us in.”
(★★★★ Arifa Akbar, The Guardian)

“Its cinematic style is another, and director Lily McLeish along with Designer Anna Reid have created one of the most visually arresting hybrid productions of recent months, using colour, tonal variation and pattern to give variance to each sequence while saying so much about the personality and emotional state of the characters. The back and forth structure is energised by locating each scene in a different part of A and 1’s homes while unusual shots and perspectives add a beauty and meaning to the unfolding story. It is incredibly stylish, even chic, and McLeish uses the spaces so carefully to immerse the viewer in these separate lifestyles while pushing the boundaries of technique to visually hold our attention – an approach that works whether you watch this piecemeal or in binge sittings.”
(Maryam Philpott blog.wordpress)

★★★★ The Guardian
★★★★ North West End
★★★★ London Pub Theatres
★★★★ The Reviews Hub
★★★★ The Upcoming
★★★★ LondonTheatre1

London Pub Theatres Standing Ovation Award Nomination
OffWestEnd OnComm Award Nomination